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Kazumi Wada

EMAT Visiting Professor

Image of Kazumi Wada

Ph.D., Keio University, Yokohama, Japan

Kazumi Wada is a Visiting Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA. His Japan contact is: Professor of Microphotonics, Department of Materials Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Bunkyo Tokyo. You can reach him at [], or [].

Kazumi started his career at Research Laboratories of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT), Tokyo, where he studied defects or imperfection in Si and III-V materials and devices. The results he obtained were to verify growth and nucleation mechanisms of oxide precipitates and dislocation loops in Czochralski Si. He also formulated those defect formation in terms of electron-hole equilibria of thermal donors, i.e., oxygen clusters in Czochralski Si. 

In 1998, he joined the Microphotonics group let by Prof. Kimerling at MIT, in which the goal was electronic and photonic convergence on a Si CMOS platform. His focused field was materials science and device physics of Ge on Si, and especially tensile-strain Ge photodetectors with nearly ideal performance with an extended limit of wavelength detection. The modulator was later demonstrated as a monolithically integrated modulator with the smallest power consumption. In 2004, he returned to Japan and started Si microphotonics research at the University of Tokyo, where he led the JSPS project with international collaborations with US and EU (see here). He co-proposed the FIRST program on photonics and electronics convergence system technology 2009. 

Kazumi won the 11th Hayashi Izuo Award on photonic- and electronic-integration on Si LSIs 2013, which is named after Dr. Izuo Hayashi, who was one of the inventors of the first semiconductor laser diode based on GaAs/AlGaAs, and led the frontier work on photonics and electronics on Si mid ’80s. He served numerous government services worldwide, some of which are the Board of Directors of Material Research Society (MRS), of Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Group IV Photonics (IEEE), and of SiGe Symposium at Electrochemical Society (ECS), and currently serves the Editorial Board of AIP Applied Physics Review. He is a Fellow of JSAP. He has authored and coauthored more than 200 refereed journal papers and has edited 13 books. He filed more than 20 US-IPs and 10 JP-IPs. You may find more information here.

Prof. Wada obtained a Ph.D from Keio University, Yokohama, Japan.  He has been the head of EMAT-Japan.